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Ardorous Pillager's Blessed Hauberk 60ArmorPurchased
Test Tunic 60Armor 
imbued roughspun blouse 10Armor 
War-Marked Thullosian Breastplate 76Armor 
Northweave Black Vest 0Armor 
Overking's Breastplate of Survival 66Armor 
Sand-worn Tunic 60ArmorDropped
Focus: Refusal of Atonement V and Mitigation 90Adornment 
Stormbringer's Sacred Tunic 90Armor 
rare low artisan vest 5Armor 
corroded feyiron brigandine chestguard 34Armor 
Royal Blue Ceremonial Plate Cuirass 1ArmorPurchased
Footman Tunic 1Armor 
Astral Pugilist's Brutal Gi 90ArmorDropped
Breastplate of Requisition 67Armor 
imbued feyiron vanguard cuirass 30Armor 
Rage-Fused Zealous Marauder's Robe 70ArmorPurchased
Scorched Breastplate 12Armor 
white formal outfit 1ArmorPurchased
Radiant Vest of the Iron-heart 61Armor 
Imbued Indium Vanguard Cuirass 50ArmorCrafted
Rector's Exalted Plate Cuirass 50Armor 
Adventurer's Breastplate of Clouds 11Armor 
Crude Imbued Engraved Leather Vest 32Armor 
female formal ensemble 40ArmorPurchased